Meet Paul

Paul in his home studio

Paul in his home studio


Work in Watercolor and Acrylics

 After thirty-four years of art instruction in the public schools of North Central Pennsylvania, Paul Harris is able to place his own signature on the world of art.  Many of his ideas come from the wildlife found in his own backyard of rural Pennsylvania to the farm lands and Amish Country nearby.

After attending Point Park College and West Virginia University majoring in Art Education, Paul began teaching in the public school system.   He worked in the elementary and middle schools, and ended his career spending the last ten years at the high school level.  He is well known for his private art classes for adult students in areas including Basic Drawing, Watercolor Painting and Acrylic and Oil Painting.

Upon retirement in 2004, Paul began working on his love of watercolors and acrylic. He enjoys traveling throughout the eastern, southern, and western states of the U.S., and even as far as Alaska to provide quality subjects and breathtaking landscapes for his artwork.

            “Most of my work deals with an unusual perspective that many individuals take for granted when they view subjects or landscapes.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Paul has exhibited in juried shows around Pennsylvania,  as well as solo-shows in his hometown of DuBois and surrounding communities. He has also produced many commissioned works for individuals throughout Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New Jersey.

Paul can be found painting in his home studio and gallery in DuBois, Pennsylvania where he lives with his wife Judith, his inspiration in life, as well as his two Golden Retrievers,  Jax and Piper, and a German Shepherd mix Elroy.   


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